4d Architecture & Design Company Logo


4d are a multi-disciplinary consultancy team with a primary focus in the built environment & architecture. We utilise our aligned skills in product & graphic design to support & invigorate our work throughout the delivery & implementation of projects ranging from those with relatively small capital cost through to development involving much more significant investment.

4d began our practice founded in residential architecture, seeking to reinforce fundamental & sound practice agendas.

Although residential architecture continues to be a significant area of expertise for 4d, we have carefully & strategically expanded our range of project types in response to client needs, but also in order to apply our rationale & creative capability across a broader field of endeavour.

Underpinning our careful expansion has been a researched & professional mode of practice which ensures that the appropriate expertise is applied to any task.

Rather than limit our service to within a single field of practice, 4d enjoy the challenge of varied project types. Our portfolio includes urban design, residential, commercial, retail, community, health & other project categories.